Two streams of viewing


In this presentation i am breaking down the basement levels of what is fundamentally the root of perceptions…
In this breaking down , I am observing and sharing the aspects as it presents itself…
i address streams of consciousness as in two types that predominantly allow duality to come forward…
What is wholeness and what is oneness?

In order for us to embrace our full potential and how we can finally move forward without any old aspects stuck in our heart of understanding, we may need to heal this aspect in a way by simply going through this as an observation and to recognize it…

It is important to recognize the surrounding factors around but to not become engulfed by the revealing…

An old subject comes up, duality…the dualistic manner in how realty is viewed and how reactions are perceived…

use discernment in how you look at yourself, shift from looking outward with your eyes to how you view yourself, How do you see and feel about you and how do you influence your surroundings?
Think about it, what do you see, ? what do you feel?


Be careful how you project perceptions of what you know, projecting into what you may not know…Be slow to make assumptions…This forms a stream of energy and can envelop another view into that stream…

Observe 2 Streams of Sight the truth itself and the perceived view of it…in this way its similar to creation, thinking and setting this thought into intention and so on…

As we are working through our clearing and purging, we are perceiving what was and slowly dismantling perceptions of duality.

Observe now that Duality is still present at large…The polarities of good Vs evil and light vs dark…
As long as we think in this way we perceive this, live this and create in this way…, and in this we project outward our fears, because we lose touch with ourselves, our hearts…doing this in fear brings us down metaphorically down into the basement…The lower earth…

This does not mean that we must walk with blindfolded perceptions…
On the contrary…it is suggested that We work deeply on ourselves to become aware that we are unique whole beings, each one having a profound effect on your immediate world and surroundings, your personal world.
You are a celestial Being of Consciousness, a source of your world, a creator and experiencer and you are the wearer of this body, this avatar as the tool to interact with the greater avatar…
Earth is also a Celestial being…

You are not your physical body, you are not your personality, you are just using these tools to work through this system…

Choose to know that you are unique and Authentic and whole in your existence…That you are transparent in your truth that you are consciousness…be aware in the way that you look at all things around you but to not become duped or overwhelmed by it…Being reactive to yet another killing in your neighborhood…

Be sober in your thoughts, do not fall into thought loops..Be aware that this is not personal but a commentary of man’s inhumanity to man…this is the war…that by perpetuating the many layers of being a witness, it does not mean that you should get on to the bandwagon and throw the stone either…before you react in defense…before you react in shock, and again i am not stating that you are blinded by all this…
look with heart where you look at all things from a whole perceptive…

As long as you believe in duality that there will always be two…in either frequency…

Two sides of one face, peering into the reflection and experiencing the mirror effect…the expression will be a reversed view of what you are viewing…the mirror is always there…its more obvious now because we are discussing this…

And as we are discussing it, so systematically we may lose track of what was first and in this observing or believing what is external..instead of knowing an internal observation…a deep knowing which relates back to the heart of understanding. The upper earth or heavens , the middle earth or the lower earth…for one earth the sun has been replaced…

There are certain beings emitting frequencies that affect us manipulating our views so that we lose ourselves in our own reflected perceptions or reflections…

Hijacking our current/electrical fiery heart, frequency of water, like amniotic fluid, electrified…

What is the opposite of duality?
What is the difference between wholeness and Oneness?

Knowing the difference has a profound effect on your Consciousness wherever you are going to go in your life…

It is important to find know the difference between Wholeness and Oneness…

*Oneness is tied into a singularity or hive frequency…to get into the same bandwidth …to be one with or to be one of something larger…

*Wholeness is to be whole, to not lack,
the state of forming a complete and harmonious whole; unity”
“the state of being unbroken or undamaged.” To know you are whole, to not lack…to be in harmony…

what keeps duality in place ?
Energy in a state of flux creating displacement of the self…the rolling stone..i am for this or i am for that…if you do this you must be that or this…as an example…

It could be the fundamental basis for primal existence…In the beginning the tribal elements…creeds beliefs and followings…
Energy of constant observation of creativity and the observation of it…?

What is the Ego, and its function?

…A mirror of reflected perceptions, a part of the personality.

Sometimes it is referred to as the inner child, it exaggerates or devalues but only through perceptions…
This also functions in two streams of consciousness, its either up there or down here…why is it still a child, maybe becuse we keep saying it is?

Alchemically The Ego appears to be connected as a stream of consciousness that is somehow wired to a fight or flight response, therefore it is an essential tool related to survival…
The Ego also does its best to keep you trapped in a particular reality…

Look at your ego, but shift the focus, don’t attack yourself,observe when something is being said and you hear, this is bullshit!..

interesting how it comes through, right?… do you see that your ego is rooted in survival, preservation?
Ego requires energy, the need to see itself everywhere to feel secure…
it therefore performs its own survivalist frequency…but only because you have experienced the need to survive…change from feeling the need to survive to knowing you are whole, work hard at this…override the expression of fear perceptions, conditioning of everyday constant bombardment against us…

There will be many hidden basements that will be cracked open to allow a flood of water to rinse and cleanse, in this we are going through a water quake of awakening.
You would like to achieve a transcendence of higher Dimensional awareness no matter what level, then realize that all things are related to observation and knowing….

in this revelation it will be apparent that we dig deeper to question our morality,

What is Morality?

*principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong
The underworld is being readdressed to bring up distortions of projections of each other and the readdressing of sexual objectifying energy…

Reference : Objectifying means to degrade the status of an object.
“a sexist attitude that objectifies women” and men and children and each other.

what do we do when we objectify? We do not only degrade the value of another but we degrade ourselves in that process…Because what you are saying is that while you objectify in this…you also degrade yourself…It is this deeper aspect that we break through to the very fundamentals of the basement….

Objectification is in part the way the ego sees or percieves through you…This also brings in the absence of respect and false morality …bending the light…

Who are you in essence and where are you in the greater schema?
*…Greek – skhema “fiugre,appearance, the nature of a thing”

We need to discern where we are in relation to where we are going, determine how we see and learn from what we know is a fundamental truth that we are always whole, but that we have moved far from our origin…Getting to know that we are functioning here in this world as Conscious beings. That we are that very element that we have been looking for, that we are the Event horizon in our rising up of our internal eternal being of wholeness.

Much Love

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