The Knowledge series

The Knowledge Series

“No Science can ever determine or proclaim Spirit, Spirit always Determines all things Matter, it always swings the Bat”-The Promethean

Question and Answers series

I will be adding the questions from you as the viewer here and answer them accordingly

i do feel this may than be needed for future reference…so will play with the idea…
before you look at what you are questioning , the first part of this exercise shows that you have to change the way you think….in other words, what you see must always be seen as an iceberg….
there is always more at the bottom than what you see on the top…everything you see is like an iceberg…this planet is designed like that…nothing is ever just what it seems …knowledge is also everywhere in all that you see, it just depends on how you look and what you deduct from what you feel first , as you look…this is called perception…

Part 1 :

The Knowledge 2

1.Can you explain where does the nephilim giants and the fallen angels come from.
**This ties into the Solar Cult belief system , directly tied into the solar pillar…as said entities that represent , also Persian and mithraic religion…temple or cults of Persia believed that the giants, were related to those who came before us…must be seen as a representation. The Second Creation that we are currently transverse through has many smaller layers of creation within it, that would mean many many species of many aeons ago , has existed prior to the present time. That would mean that also the subtler energy forms such as animal spirits, faeries etc, all forming the exo and ecosystem of a natural habitat….Aetheric Eco system of this reality is subtle.

To understand the word Angel , one must see the meaning of the word, : Angel derives from the Greek angelos, a translation of a Hebrew word meaning “messenger.” Angels are considered the lowest of the nine orders in Christian celestial hierarchy and also appear in Islamic and Judaic tradition.
Therefore a fallen Angel is a message that has descended or failed or that you have misunderstood the message…A fallen angel must be understood as a descended emanation of light or “thought”.
If this element has a life form in itself, it would mean that it is a representation of what the beliefs are in the teaching in religion…
the word Religion means to bind oneself in to the belief of a divine power and a desire to please it…to be found in this link

The concept of All “Religion” is meant to be seen as examples or aid to learn from but not give in to its power to control you and redirect you away from your inner Knowledge, the inner sanctum or temple where Great Spirit resides…“the kingdom of heaven is within you…” within this reality but do not worship it or give it power to control you…live freely within this realm, but do not allow it to sway you from your inner sanctuary…this does not mean that you are not allowed to earn a living…it means please do what you must to live…but to never give up the first born right…or awareness that you have an Infinite Conscious Spirit within you and that this is a fingerprint of part of the greater spirit or Great Spirit…

remember that it is your choice to believe in something outside of yourself, this material or the foundation to this Knowledge suggests that to bind one into the belief that is material will redirect you away from your Higher Self…or Spirit…

Materia is tangible and represents all the influences that is being impressed or cast into it…
Materia must be witnessed as proof of the presence of the influence of Great spirit in all things…there is thus no greater power than that which is within you…no savior to come and be the middle man for you to your Higher Self…

The Priesthood of the void or the Ministery of Magick…the Order of the Black sun…that means , all that is once visible to you can be inverted to hide things from you, such as many smart high up men with negative intentions to redirect you and to sway you from yourself…worship the power of the Materia…this is called Materialism…do not forget that the power of the First Creation lies in their fixation of the your power and to use it in the Void…which means they have learnt to study and observe and practice for a lot longer than perhaps you have…but the moment you are aware of who you are , that means your inner knowledge…of Spirit…the spell to blind you will fall away…once you do not depend on the power of the Second Creation but to rather invest with energy into the Third Creation…

Remember that all the physical things that are happening in this world as we speak and observe are all creations… they are all made through intention…
the flip side of the Ministery of Magick is us…members in particular…need i say more….
Their Priesthood is also called the ones who practice Babylonian and Mesopotamian magick or as said the Order of the Black sun. The Black Sun is also inherent from the Order of Cain and his bloodline, the bunch that lives in the void…This Priesthood wants to supplant the awareness of this Sacred knowledge
The Priesthood worships and uses the philosophy of Materialism ,beliefs in eugenics, Satanism, as the inversion of Judgement…remember Satan is an archetype of Judgment only…the belief that it is a boogey-man that can create damage for you is what they want you to give it…this is called an egregore…
And egregore is to give life and personality to an in animated object or archetypal belief ….like giving your car a personality…for example
the reality outside of us, this physical manifested reality is an energy was founded to be the fabric of Creation in itself, sweet and natural and organic as Mother nature herself…
This was found to be Perfect, but not ever to have been worshiped…
Once man came to understood that they can manipulate materia…for their own gains…that means…to eradicate the natural laws of the universe…or the comsmogenesis…

things it means we place ourselves in that place of subjected reality…Our intention is to become our self..
An angel when one thinks of an angel it is a representation of a messenger…What happens when you listen to something very important and you become distracted…you lose the message of the material that you were listening to…in the same way To descend means that the light of Creation drops when there is no focus on it…when there is no understanding …
2.Can the coming of Christ be a very old story where previous nations had contact with higher dimensional beings and naming them God?
**The Coming of “Christ” as an archetype of light in itself is an external belief , which means again that one can not feel the connection to the inner light …so in other words, always look for the outside …external, it comes from the story of the original solar deities,the ones that live outside or visible .
the original story of horus is reflected as the Christ…if there is a drive to push this archetypal reference it is to overthrow the archetypal birthing of the third Creation….that we are fixing to enter in…they want to push this element also…but will push heavily elements from Egyptian theology.
3. What or who was the light being that spoke to Amschel Rothschild *this angel of light is in reference to the first light that comes within the first thought of inspiration, this light is angelic presence as it was refereed to the first light when you think and seek at the lowest point in your life is directly tied to the angel of Lucifer however remember light also means lux…Lucifer has a dark side also, so is light , in its darker capacity, when it is used for nefarious purposes…or for materialism…i will explain later…
4. Many tribes and nations have drawings of space ships ext.
If we had previous lives why can’t we remember them. **If your question is to ask if there are other other space brothers outside in the universe, this is correct, however it must be seen and reviewed how information can also be interpreted …does this information coming to you , feel alien to you or homely…it is a matter of your perception…this does not mean that extra terrestrial being do not exist…they do…they are in the same way as us, all interlinked…the human specie was transplanted into this reality to play the story out…
5. How did our spirits come into existence.**By the Sacred Breath of the first thought made into an intention of Creation…the Spark of light is the first internal thought made into expression…
6. I would think “we evolved on earth as flesh first and then spirit”. **ON the contrary, if flesh was first, than there would be material world to be content with, given how the world is , observation shows you that there is a definitive group who are not content with how earth is as is…and there would be no progress to be made.
Flesh becomes malleable once Spirit enters its domain…not the other way around..If Flesh existed before Spirit, there would be no challenge other than death to remove one out of the equation…there would also not be a drive to secure a new world order in a negative anti life process…
Also what force or universal program is responsible for our spirit to find new flesh after death.**Your Will is the force that seeks a new life..your Will is the blue print for the Will of Great Spirit…its proof of existence can be found in the universal laws and Cosmic Laws of Knowledge that what one thinks and speaks becomes made manifested…action is the undeniable proof of that.
7. Do ghosts exist? **Ghost is a Spirit without its soul and human form …yes we exist long after we pass on and shed our flesh…
8. Is astral traveling real. If so what is it used for and is it dangerous?
**Astral travel exists, and it is not safe if you are not prepared for how the techniques work that would mean , first before you climb into a new car, you learn to understand how it operates….common sense is advised…:)
9. Who are the 144,000?
The 144,000 are the individual points or energy points of which Great Spirit consists out of…which means that the knowledge of their existence does exist, only that they are never all at the same time present in every timeline or life time that exists…imagine you would see a golf ball , the dimples of this golf ball each represents a point of light or energy of which is the embodiment of Great spirit…in other words, the first Thoughts of Great Spirit…the golf
10. Have you ever heard of Eschatology, the William W. Walter method? It also deals with thinking, good thoughts and actualizing with the goal of transfiguration from this plane/reality as opposed to death. Would it be just another false faith based religion?
*Good Question, from what i know about Eschatology, it is in reference to that which is believed happens to the soul, in the death aspect of life…or the End times..Every day is an end time when you give up the belief that your soul goes to be judged…when you change that belief from knowing that the Spirit is not the Soul and that the Soul is in actuality a temporary wanderer…or the anima mundi, which means earth dweller…quote: “a vital force or principle conceived of as permeating the world — compare archeus, world soul”

11. how do you create a reality for your family when you can not buy or sell anymore. That takes away your entire chance of survival in a world of walls and borders where you can not go and live in nature to survive. I hope this brings new challenges and questions to mind because progress are not born in comfort. (Refer to the video)

12. why has the Knowledge been hidden from humanity…?
The ministery of Magic has infiltrated the institutions of human existence because they are the first born void first creation beings…it is not possible to built a house without being aware of the subtle energy in the foundation….therefore this is why the third Creation is a deeply needed element to bring into being…or to be birthed…
at this moment they hold the general mindset captured within the human specie…in a a subconscious and conscious state…of slavery…subconscious control starts in the mind…when there is duality..that would mean the Left and the right brain…mind over spirit…the masculine left and the feminine right is intuition and spirit…
those who lead the pack and the pack …authoritarians Vs followers..etc…True Mind control captures these polarities…individually and opposes one another…red and blue , is always going to re initiate the mind control…your respond to these programs will place you in either the left dominant or right dominant…already…

13. how is reality built…
knowledge or lack 1. – available information
understanding or lack – decision making, mental choice,
wisdom or lack – human behavior
generated results order or chaos -manifested reality , those who bring out the hidden knowledge are here on this channel…demystifying the Sacred Knowledge…knowledge is not hidden , it is a knowing …if you are not aware of knowledge, than you are unaware of what your Truth is…symbology of the global propaganda , we dont have to look very far to see how they use sacred geometry to enslave your mind to feel you want to identify with what you buy at a shop….which is another form of mind control…the subtler influences , we can look at these archetypal symbols…and explain what they mean …the fallen is not fallen , but descended….

14. How as creators should we focus on finances? Is this something we even want or need in the third creation? Is this why there’s so many pressure words being said to buy silver or gold? as well as putting “faith” in a supposed quantum banking?
The system, It feels like a psyop to me creating a saviour program. When we go inside and create?
I am so used to the finances of this reality, is there a transition out of? What is your take on this?
** (see video for more in depth explanation)

Materialism is and ever shall be blind to the Spirit of Knowledge
the first sense of thought is the First order of Creation…orders
All universal energy is reflection of the cosmic science…
A spirited psychology cosmology, comprehend this and you know the cosmos or womb of Great spirit

15. I notice you ref some verses from the Bible. I still struggle to understand how this sorcery is so in twine with the Bible. It’s almost as if the Bible was watered down so much to hide the real truth.How is it that Bible scholars really speak with passion and ref Hebrew numbers from verses to proof the authentication of the word. When they say that the Bible was written with inspiration from the holy ghost. One might believe is because it’s so well thought out.
I really thought Atlantis was a myth. I struggle with what the crystallized tech was and how it worked. How long ago was this.Do you think knowledge from that creation was saved till now but hidden from us? What level from 1 to 6 would you put on what you are sharing with us. Would all this classify as level 6. Just interesting to know if there is more to know.


Knowledge 3

The Knowledge 3

Questions, validity or non validity of the Bible :
The Origins of the Bible as a whole was originally scripted as encounters of mystic and philosophy…historical ..but mostly mystic and spirit gnosis which is a reference of gnositc wisdom…

Its validity along with all other material that is based on encounters of mystical and historical holds as much validity if it has inspired you …
the onus on mystical encounters, or information on philosophy is must be inspirational to add to your life changes , direction , journey…etc…and in that said, you could draw inspiration from a readers digest if it helped you to understand what it was that you had struggled with,….so in actuality, what is important is that our view on this reality, our five sensory experience in this reality, also adds as inspiration to ourselves…whether we love or hate

2.transition out of this plane (the death and dying process):
How to pass on or transition, depends on the same principle as before you would astral travel…that said the same dynamics, except the soul transfers back into the spirit…and the entire process thereafter is by choice…
the belief that we get swallowed up by some greater force of light is a belief that we still have not had taken responsibility for ourselves…in our deeper sense…that said , its meaning must be understood that we must look within to see what and who we are…but what i have found from to her who have passed on , was out of trust …
when i had my own near death experiences…some were not on purpose and some were to test it out…
what i found was that if we leave our life form that we have a tether or chord , some say its silver chord, attached through the belly , like an umbilical chord…elongated to the soul , which sits almost like a shield or plate in our body…like an oval shaped field of energy…and the spirit in itself than is from behind the heart sliding up and out…like sitting up right almost…the soul becomes absorbed into the spirit , depending when the choice is made to leave…when things happen on impact , the spirit and the soul is still transitioning from the body …and may at times take days to complete…physical days as in three days…

there is a distinct formless light entering the presence when you leave…sometimes it takes a little longer , but the preparation for this may depend on how you feel about you…if you feel comfortable about you and trust in what you do….and what you feel…the process is shorter…if you stressed and always wondered and never actually sat still long enough in yourself to really explore you…what you think and what you feel because of distrust…than the process may bee quite strange…and it would feel as if you forgot something…its an uncanny feeling…

i have spoken to many who have passed and who have told me also about their experiences….few if any and i have spoken and have many many friends who have passed of all race and beliefs have told me that wickedness comes to fetch them….i have not encountered one spirited person who have shared that with me…FYI …when you are dead, the formalities of your personality is still in you , but there is no judgment….so if you were my neighbor and i never knew you …you would still try to talk to me , to at least reach out to me to just find some clarity…there is no noise louder than the chatter of those who have passed on….none the less….
is it healthy to call on one’s ancestors…
Choose the soft light that is the color of a womb…to become reabsorbed by the Great Spirit…or choose the white light and come back into the cycle of reincarnation … choose…

3.Perspective on Kundalini: My perspective on Kundalini, or the kundalini rising…is from experience…at some point the kundalini must be understood as an energetic charge that rises from the base or the root chakra or energy point is often referred to as a coiled snake…wrapping itself around your spine…what i want to ad here is that the spirit is expanding in the same way…however the belief to use the visualization as a snake is what gives rise to the physiological displacement of the actual exercise…
so in other words, all that can be done without ceremony is to really do deep breathing and to breath the energy up litterally feeling yourself rise within your body…or vessel….fyi from Wiki : “Kundalini yoga is most associated with Yogi Bhajan, a yoga teacher from Pakistan. He’s credited with introducing the practice to Western countries in the 1960s. The term “Kundalini” comes from the Sanskrit word “kundal,” which means “circular.” It also refers to a coiled snake”…I am going to say this , to also find a person who can talk you thought it..spontaneous kundalini also happens…sometimes near death can trigger it…
is it a necessary exercise to expand your consciousness field…not really…since many people that i have known have a great wisdom in them without having to have learnt about this…it is by choice…
if you are requiring information on the chakra system, please contact Marieta Weemen on my website also….under the Counsel on board…

Perspective on Implants some say we have negative implants on the third eye solar plexus, and root chakra, true or False:
Implants can be energetic or physical…implants placed in certain sacred centers in the body…it is also possible yes…how are implants used, can be for nefarious reasons…however the process of ice and fire is meant to freeze these elements in the auric field as well as the natural body to isolate the attachment or the implant…implants fall into the category of extra terrestrial interference or what it is also called as military abduction or milab….the best person to connect with , is also,  Eve Lorgen….and her information is on my website under Counselor on board…

4.How to Dissolve implants, no matter what and when they were placed:
Using Ice and Fire…also in the psychic defense video…
as all psychic self defense has to do with what needs to be cleared within the belief structure of the mind…and the spirit is very adept to clear that up…removing the belief that the implant is there will work in the same way , even if you are seeing it physically in your body…than obvioisly remove it , but if its energetically implanted…must be removed from within the thought field…first
The concept of Ice and Fire is operating on the knowledge of the energy of the elements of earth air fire and water and ether…5 sensory elements…in the nature of the reality…
although perhaps we can ponder on void as being part of these elements or building blocks of any reality…materialistically speaking…
sine we have sight, touch, hearing, smell,taste and supernatural sense…or the star sense…

On Elemental and apparition, demonic elements that are used in rituals , how can we protect ourselves:
Protect oneself through visualizations, of fire, circle, salt circle around room , salt in corners of the room, and visualization of protection , your imagination is the limit…
if you learn to know who you are the same principle as when you pass on , must come to you all the time…lets say you are having a psychic attack from a person …as these are the most common….no spirit or servitor will come to visit you by itself, it is always being sent by a physical person in the living…the best form of defense is to parry the attack with fire…what we normally do ,when it happens is to freeze the energy around us…and this freezes the psychic attachment or energy or apparition….in place…must be a dark blue ice…so the density of the ice is solid…
than bombs away burn the energy and the fire will trace to where the person is who had sent it to you…
their tentacles or energy tendrils…are frozen and on fire at the same time…fight dirty if you must…but your allowed to protect yourself in the same way ….just as you are allowed to protect yourself in the physical reality also….
let me say this also…there is no external random entity that will come to you unless its been sent to you…but if you do happen to find an entity , its purpose no matter how grotesque must be made …Flesh holds more potency , in this way….when acting in accordance with your Spirit…as one…whole being…

How do we interpret Ancestors: We interpret ancestors by way of ourselves, our inner journey within our reality…however if they have advice and support , so be it to add to what you seek to learn on your vision quest….but for the most part , Ancestors also add to Great Spirit…as our ancestors are also spirited people …many spirits make great spirit…

there is a belief that most African people come from Nubia or have an Egyptian heritage:
This is a good Question , in order for me to explain this , i would need to go into the explanation of All races and how they were formed, according to The Creations Module….we will touch lightly on the Module again….

All Creation started as elemental beings…out of this were formulated elemental essence that had transverse into minerals, vegetation, animals, and than individualized souls , divided in living soul souls of the first Creation and life giving souls in the second Creation….

the Third Creation is a formulation of all of the above said…which means , you are in your awareness an actualized being of Spirited essence…and this allows you to Create as in the Second Creation but also to become fully integrated into the Third Reality…

Within the understanding of the Root Races, the information must be understood as the time or the cycles at which the Creation was operating at …say for example the first Creation was 4.5 mil years old…that in the first Creation would have grown from first energy as a thought..the thought process would be non sensory elemental beings existing in a semi conscious state , to be followed as semi conscious being to develop to become more conscious as expression , than more consciousness to become physical, than from physical to become living souls…and than from living souls to become life giving souls entering the second creation through which the living souls have permeated into by way of sacrifices rituals etc…and physiological evolution of the soul and the matter itself… etc…
therefore humanity in its essence are all ordered in way of the soul and spirit growth …by default and the interaction with the material world…

on the whole the people of Africa traditionally have existed within the earlier time before the first creation ….and that the atlantian race also root races who are in part Egyptian had existed thereafter…the Nubian Races along with all the other African people over time all fall under the Lyran Root Race…and this is related to the energy exploration of using the soul and the spirit…learning to understand the connection with Nature and Nature of this reality in relation with them…
each Root Race has some work to do ….none the less…

the Original Race of the Proto African people this means the earliest , from what i know , are Lyran beings…and the Void or the First Creation had consisted out of the Atlantean Age…Atlantean Root Race was a very material based civilization , believing in their rituals and god to be plural and external from them…
Lyrans the third Root Race the Atlanteans the fourth root Race

More on the root races another time….
i hope this answers your question….

5.What is the Afterlife :
The Afterlife is the reality after the passage of relinquishing human existence is surrendered, the last breath as you exit your vessel, to enter a reality that is Aether…this Aether is the reality that when experienced allows the soul to become reabsorbed into the reality of the Spirit , which is the essence or the Breath of Great spirit…eventually you transverse or travel towards Great spirit , once you are ready to do so…
What is Reincarnation :
The process of coming back into this reality, in the birthing of a physical vessel coming from two people to bring you back into this reality…this also touches briefly on the aspect that if you were initially brought into this reality through a chemical method or test tube to give it that term…that the same principal of life still takes place..
What is Mind control:
Mind control is a repeated breaking down process of the mental cognitive abilities that is said mental physical and psychically..
what are programs:Programs are a set or series of controls to enforce the mind to operate in a certain manner. These can also be called contracts.A Contract is an agreement whether it was done in awareness or being unaware…A contract is tied to the Soul or the interface that can either limit the spirit or not…We agree or we dis agree, when we are in a particular situation…

6. what is mk ultra : mind control program social engineering, mainstream tomfoolery see the NEW WORLD RELIGION VIDEO…making you believe through trauma…to accept a belief…through trauma


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